A Fan’s Tribulation: Why Do You Love or Hate the Oakland Raiders?
I must preface this article with a few seemingly unrelated points, but they accentuate the purpose of this article
This is a question that has been bubbling (or effervescing) in my mind for quite some time, especially after a derogatory blog from an "unbiased" reporter at ESPN named Jay Mariotti.
I have made quite a stink about ESPN ever since then, but not solely for that reason. I had been hard-charging that ESPN has been selling the sizzle of racial bias (i.e. Pacman Jones) without selling the steak—to use a maxim from the sales industry.
Nada Nada Limonada
Simply put, that maxim means to sell what the product does, not what it is. You can sell a car made from "40 bucks of steel"...
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