Tim Lincecum Stymies Houston Astros, Continues Domination
With two out in the first inning, Houston Astros slugging left fielder Carlos Lee was down to his last strike. To stay alive against San Francisco Giants ace Tim Lincecum, he would have to make contact, with hopes of either fouling off the pitch, or dropping it in for an RBI-single.
Lincecum uncorked a curveball that tailed down and away. Lee swung miserably, missing the offering badly. Lincecum walked off the mound towards the Giants dugout. Lee, meanwhile, walked slowly to the dugout, looking back at Lincecum in bewilderment. He was left confused, but he wouldn’t be the only one.
Lincecum, 5′10″, 170, discounting t...
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