Our Raider Nation Bucket List: What We Want Before We Checkout
There is nothing wrong with dreaming. So let's dream on....
In 2007, I saw a delightful movie about two men who desired to do a few things before they checked out of here. It made me think about the Oakland Raiders.
Here is our chance to add to our Raider Nation Bucket List. List what you want and, if you are willing, when you want it.
I will start the Bucket List, but you, Raider Nation, must add to it.
1. More touchdowns in our next game and in all future games.
2. More passes that hit the target and are completed.
3. Less penalties
4. Sellouts for all home games.
5. Rank and value of the Raider franchise increased.
6. More Oakland Raiders in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
This may sound comical to you, but I have ...
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