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Comparison Of Our QBs and Somethig About Gradkowski If He Starts

Hello all Raiders fans in this community. First I want to say I don't speak English perfectly, so if there are some grammatical mistakes say it to me and I will fix it.

OK I will start speaking about Gradkowski. When Russell was benched and Gradkowski started, he show leadership, heart, passion and most importantly desire to win and be a good QB. A lot of people say he can be a good QB, but that he isn't a long-term solution and will be cut before the start of the new season just like Jeff Garcia. But I don't think so.

Now let's compare the starts of our three QBs: JaMarcus Russell, Bruce Gradkowski and Charlie Fry.

JaMarcus Russell: 3 TDS 11 INT 1,287 YDS 33 SCK 9 FUM and 6 Lost

Bruce Gradkowski: 6 TDS 3 INT 1,007 YDS 11 SCK FUM 5 and 3 Lost in four ga...

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