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2010: The Year Of The Super Chargers!


This coming year will be just SUPER for the Chargers!

Let's just breathe a bit before you guys start criticize me about having such a bold statement for my headline.  You folks must understand, I am totally stoked about this upcoming year's San Diego "SUPER" Chargers.  

Why you ask?  Very simple.  First I must give you all a bit of a Charger history lesson so you folks understand why this is the season for the SUPER CHARGERS to take home the Lombardi Trophy.  

The Chargers had their chance at winning the big one back in 2006 and that was the best chance they had with the roster they finally waited five years to build. 

 The Chargers were the most complete team in terms of what th...

Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - San Diego Chargers
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