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2010 NBA Playoffs: Has Kobe Bryant Lost His Way?

I've always admired the abilities of Los Angeles shooting guard Kobe Bryant in much the same manner I have always marveled at the talents of deceased rap star Tupac Shakur.

Tupac was one of those rare people who was able to be different things at the same time. Tupac could be shallow or profound, thoughtful or reckless, and passionate or indifferent, just to name a few.

Bryant exudes some of those same qualities on and off the basketball court, as he can be excellent or exasperating, charismatic or secluded, and helpful or intolerant.

Both Bryant and Shakur were able to excel at their respective professions, but it is possible each was prevented from attaining true greatness due to an inability to conquer demons in their professional and personal lives.
Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - Los Angeles Lakers
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