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San Diego Padres: Fans Already Jumping Ship After Less Than Two Weeks

It's been eight games and the Padres are currently sitting at 3-5 through the first week and a half of the 2010 season. Apparently, that 3-5 record is sending a lot of Padre fans off the deep end, jumping off the ship that is the USS Padres Bandwagon.

If you're on Facebook, admittedly I am, you can see all the postgame articles that are posted on the Padres' Facebook page and the comments that follow. After six games I was seeing comments from so-called "fans" talking about how this was a "major league team masquerading as a Triple-A team."

They do realize there's 156 more games to play right?

Another fact that I've yet to see be brought up in those comments is the fact that the Padres are notoriously slow starters in the month of April. This is no shock to tho...

Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - San Diego Padres
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