Bob Geren Proves His Worthlessness Again, By Arguing Too Little Too Late
A's fans know that manager Bob Geren is worthless. What makes it even worse is the fact he won't stand up for his players as was proved in tonight's game against the Boston Red Sox.
Geren does not have a dominant personality and is, in fact, a submissive coach. Rarely, if ever, will Geren go out to argue a call and it was proved again tonight. Because of the incompetence of Adrian Johnson calling balls and strikes, it completely changed the inning and Vin Mazarro's confidence was all but gone.
All Geren did to protect his young pitcher on the mound was to shrug and yell from the dugout, "Where was it?"
Here's a thought, Bob! Get off your butt and get in Johnson's face. It wasn't one missed call, it was two in a row. Because of the missed call it ...
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